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Image by Zac Durant

We want to thank all of you who have contributed so generously. Your dollars are working and we are growing across the world. As you may know, we are a small independent ministry and your support is greatly appreciated and needed. Angels in the Glen has been online for about 3 years and our videos have been viewed over 1 million times, for over 200,000 watch hours. Our website has been visited by over 500,000 people from over 200 nations and countries. We receive numerous testimonies from people around the world who are being blessed by these teachings and are humbled that God is blessing our ministry. Your continued support has made this possible. Please enjoy a brief sampling below. 

Mervyn J,

website member

I cannot contain my excitement! I just received the download to the prophetic charts in Daniel. I am just blown away by the quality and Biblical accuracy of this material. This will make it so much easier to explain the truths found in Daniel.


Maka A,

YouTube subscriber

You have a gift of teaching! Bless God for these videos! So edifying.


Jean G,

YouTube subscriber

Beautiful job The Word consistency and holiness comes to life with your exposition Thanks again for your great work.


C Mohr,

YouTube subscriber

My first true Bible study in my 58 years of life just because of a reply to a post of a friend of mine on Facebook. Obviously, that small quip inspired me to pick up a bible and start reading about Daniel. Not really understanding what I was reading I thought man I need help with this dream and what it meant! The good Lord brought me to your YouTube channel. Every night I learn a little more, it’s baby steps

Siew Lan Ho,

YouTube subscriber

I have thoroughly enjoyed following this series. I have been so encouraged and learned so much and appreciate your gift in teaching the Word of God. God bless you.


Karen B,

YouTube subscriber

Thank you so much for making these videos. I have learned more than I ever could on my own study.

David P,

YouTube subscriber

Too bad I didn't know about your teachings sooner. Thank you, Christ Jesus, for directing me here. Looking forward to many Bible studies together.



Facebook follower

Thank you for making this so clear. All my life I never understood Daniel and Revelations. I love

your passion!


Don S,

YouTube subscriber

I have been watching this nonstop since I woke up this morning! Every time you pray, I pray. I'm learning more than I ever have sir! Please keep this up and don't change. God favors you, you are humble and have an amazing way of getting your message through... At no point in my life have I ever truly understood a message in a way that truly grows my soul in a significant way. You sir are logical, humble, and give all the glory to God!! Thank you, thank you, thank you from Texas!

Peter M,

YouTube subscriber

I Thank GOD I watched this video!


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