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Revelation 14 

The Three Angels' Messages

Revelation 14 - The Three Angels' Messages

Revelation 14 - The Three Angels' Messages

This lesson is 1 hour and 51 minutes long. To view, select "Buy $2" and follow the prompts to purchase. You'll need to be a site member. Once you've purchased the video, you can watch the video as many times as you'd like, at your convenience. Funds will be used to help support the creation of new content and reaching more people with these teachings.

Plan to watch all of the lesson videos for Revelation 10-14 and Daniel 11:40-45? Click on the button below to purchase the complete package. If you have already purchased the package, click here to watch this video. 

REVELATION 14 (1 Part): Revelation chapter 14 proclaims three distinct and unified messages which are known as the three angels' messages. All three messages are given to the entire world to prepare men and women for the soon return of Christ Jesus. This study will build off all the previous studies in the book of Daniel and Revelation (chapters 10, 11, 12, and 13). And focuses on the third angel’s message, the sternest warning in the Bible. The warning is to not take the mark of the beast. No other warning in the Bible has more severe consequences, because the mark of the beast struggle is the last event that will take place before the seven bowls of wrath are poured out on the Earth—right before the return of Christ. In this lesson, we’ll review when the first and second angel’s messages occurred in history, and how the third angel’s message is about to be proclaimed with a loud voice in the very near future. The third angel's message will call God’s people into greater light about the Gospel and the obedience of the faithful. If you’ve already watched our Revelation 13 study, then you know exactly what the mark of the beast is and why it is what it is. In this final lesson, we’ll add one more important detail that explains how righteousness by faith can be correctly joined with obedience to God’s commandments. There will be faithful and obedient people at the end of time who will refuse to take the mark of the beast. They will be persecuted just like Daniel was in the lion's den when he remained faithful to the God of Israel. Despite the persecution, they will persevere and endure the most difficult time that will ever occur on the Earth. We’ll study eight righteous characteristics of these people (the 144,000 of Revelation) and how they all have received the name of God on their forehead. It is not a time to fear but a time to be ready for the soon return of Christ. God wants a faithful and obedient church when He returns.  

Study guide coming soon!

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Download Charts and Timelines from the Revelation 14 Study:

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