The Blue Stone
Moral Certainty, Living Water, and Eternal Salvation

The Blue Stone – The Exodus and the Sanctuary Pattern – Part 1

The Blue Stone – Moses’ Mountain Experience and God’s Throne – Part 2

The Blue Stone – Living Water and Eternal Salvation – Part 3 - Who was the rock that followed them?
THE BLUE STONE (3 PARTS): This lesson is a deep Bible study. However, it is not a complicated study or difficult to understand. Rather it is a multi-layered Bible study that will uncover amazing truths about God’s ten commandments and their significance for us today. The study will compare the Exodus experience with God’s sanctuary. The Exodus experience begins with God’s commission to Moses to lead His people out of Egypt and bring them back to His holy mountain. The Exodus begins with the Passover the night they depart Egypt, continues through the parting of the Red Sea, and concludes when they arrive at Gods’ holy mountain. The Exodus experience provides the pattern for God’s sanctuary, foreshadowing the Gospel message. And when Moses goes up to meet with God on the holy mountain, we’ll unpack the significance of what he sees and experiences as well as discover one of the most significant Bible truths. You’ll also find out who was the rock that followed the Israelites in the wilderness, and exactly how the rock followed them. If you can only choose one study out of this entire Daniel and Revelation series, choose this one, because it will firmly establish your feet upon the Rock which cannot be shaken and will prepare you for Christ’s soon return.
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