About Us
Our Mission
Our mission is to guide men and women around the world to a deeper understanding of end-time, prophetic truth so that they will be ready for the soon return of Jesus Christ. We believe many are searching to know with certainty how, when, and where the end-time events of Daniel and Revelation will take place. We consider it a privilege to guide you to Biblical truth, encourage you to grow stronger in your knowledge of Christ, inspire you to share these truths with others, and empower you to face the future unafraid. Our prayer is that you will be ready to witness the glorious second coming of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ.
About The Name
Popular culture and Hollywood have misrepresented the four angelic horsemen of Revelation 6 as harbingers of doom sent by a vengeful God to inflict judgment and disaster upon the Earth. When we search the Scriptures, we find a very different picture of Heaven’s mounties and their role in the great cosmic conflict.
These angels first appear in Zechariah 1:7-14 (ESV) as “horsemen” waiting “among the myrtle trees in the glen.” They are said to be those “whom the LORD has sent to patrol the earth.” Upon the command of the Angel of the Lord, the angels are sent out to gather the scattered nation of Israel, bringing them out of their captivity in Babylon and returning them to the Promised Land to rebuild the temple and Jerusalem. This prophetic scene takes place at the end of the 70 years of Israel’s captivity in Babylon. These four angels were released at the appointed time, as foretold by Jeremiah, to reconstitute God’s people (Jeremiah 25:11 & 29:10).
Zechariah 1:20-21 (NASB) alludes to them again as “four craftsmen” who throw down the horns (powers) of the nations that have scattered Judah. This time, they deliver judgment upon those who have caused God’s covenant people to suffer. “Craftsmen” is a word that also indicates their role in rebuilding. These four angelic beings act in favor of God’s people and are therefore not to be feared by the children of God.
In Revelation 6, these are the same four angels who brought messages from God intended to reconstitute spiritual Israel. Just as the angels acted in Zechariah to reconstitute literal, ancient Israel from their captivity in literal Babylon to rebuild the temple and Jerusalem, so too in Revelation, these angels act decisively at the time of the end to bring spiritual Israel out of captivity in spiritual Babylon. The messages they carry are to prepare spiritual Israel—that is, all of God’s people on a world-wide scale—for approaching events leading up to and including the Second Coming of Jesus.
The first three messages are found in Revelation 14:6-13. The fourth message appears in Revelation 18:1-4, where the fourth angel gives the final appeal with a warning to come out of spiritual Babylon in order to avoid partaking in her impending judgment of pestilence, mourning, and famine. These messages are not mysterious nor intended to make God’s people fearful of end-times. Their purpose is to encourage us to grow deeper in our knowledge of Jesus Christ thus enabling us as God's people to stand with confidence against all false teachings and false wonders. These messages will prepare us to face end-time events confidently and victoriously.
The four angels who had been prepared for the appointed time (Revelation 9:13-14), were released around the 1800s to enact judgment against a world-kingdom order that attacked God’s Word and oppressed His people (Revelation 6:1-8 and 7:1-2). These horsemen are active agents in delivering spiritual Israel out of spiritual Babylon (Babel means confusion) and reconstituting God’s covenant people by gathering them from every nation, tribe, people, and language around the world.
The name Angels in the Glen represents Heaven’s mounties, who are ready to ride out on behalf of God’s people to prepare them for Christ’s soon return. It serves as a reminder of God’s sovereignty throughout history, the truthfulness of His Word, and His faithful protection and love for His people.
It is our prayer that you will study and understand these wonderful Bible truths to have confidence in how, when, and where end-time events will take place. We pray you are moved to partner with us in sharing these messages with men and women everywhere to prepare for the final, global events and the return of Christ Jesus.
About Us
John and Jamie, his wife, had different paths in learning these end-time, prophetic truths. Jamie was raised in an agnostic, yet loving, family. She was never exposed to the Bible, church, or faith in Christ during her early years. Her life as a Classical musician eventually led her to perform at various church services and special events. The churches treated her like hired help and did not interact with her or invite her to explore the message they were preaching. However, in God’s timing, one church eventually invited her to a fellowship meal after the service. That was a major step in her path to becoming a Christian. As she grew spiritually, she had a strong desire to understand the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, but she was not satisfied with shallow content or superficial explanations that many pastors and teachers were offering.
John was raised in a Christian environment and accepted Christ as a youth. As a committed Christian, he wasn’t sure that the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation could be adequately or convincingly explained and accepted that there was limited knowledge on the subject based on the churches he attended. But God, in His sovereignty, led John to Reaching Hearts International Church in Maryland where he met Pastor Michael Oxentenko.
In small group Bible studies, Pastor “Mike” explained how to dig deep in the Bible as a whole to understand the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation with certainty. He expanded John’s knowledge of Jesus and the four Gospels using the prophecies. Pastor “Mike” also described how the great controversy between God and Satan was about to be concluded. During those home Bible studies, John learned that God was moving upon His people across the globe with end-time, prophetic truths to prepare the world for the second coming of Christ.
Pastor Mike encouraged John to share these newly-learned truths with others at his church. Thus, John began teaching weekly classes going through the books of Daniel and Revelation. Through the years, John continued to study the scriptures and conducted extensive research to enhance and expand his class. Sometime later, Jamie heard that Reaching Hearts International offered an in-depth, prophecy series. She attended John's class and realized to her satisfaction that the books of Daniel and Revelation could be understood with clarity. These teachings offered her encouragement to face the future unafraid.
A few years later, John and Jamie were married. They soon felt called by God to combine their talents to make these teachings available around the world. They currently live in Virginia with their two adorable daughters. It is their prayer that others will partner with them to help share these messages to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people before the soon return of Christ Jesus!
Special Thanks
We would like to extend our gratitude and thanks to:
Pastor Michael Oxentenko for his mentorship, wisdom, consistent support, and willingness to partner with us in order to share these important teachings.
His wife Diana who has been a source of Godly encouragement throughout the realization of this project. We deeply appreciate her attention to detail, as well as her masterful editing skills.
Eddie Gonzales and his team at Scene Alive for their expertise in the filming, editing, and final production of the video series.
Everyone who has partnered with us, as well as those who are considering partnering with us, so that God’s end-time, prophetic truths will spread across the globe and Jesus can come back soon.